• News
  • October 09, 2014

AES 137 Los Angeles 2014

One of the many great speakers at the Audio Engineering Society convention in LA this fall is Landon Gentry, Audinate’s Director of Support Services, presenting Networked Audio: N1 – A Primer on Fundamental Concepts of Media Networking. Also at AES, a look at Microsoft Production Studios and Syndey Trains large-scale audio networking projects with Dante.

One of the many great speakers at the Audio Engineering Society convention in LA this fall is Landon Gentry, Audinate’s Director of Support Services, presenting:

This session will cover the OSI model and how data travels through network layers (a “networking stack”): Layers 1, 2, 3 and 4; Cables, MAC Addresses, IP Addresses, and networking protocols. An overview of some networking standards and standards organizations, including the IEEE and the IETF. An introduction to IP data networking . . . it is how everything is already wired together. Identify some of the advantages and limitations of IP data networks with respect to real-time media. A brief discussion of IP networking standards and protocols that can be leveraged for media networking.

Other audio networking sessions at AES you may be interested in:

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All the sessions are at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California