• News
  • June 17, 2014

Audinate Announces Dante Via™

Revolutionary New Software-based AV Networking Product

Las Vegas, NV – June 18, 2014 – Audinate’s tradition of creating innovative and cutting edge solutions continues, with the announcement of its exciting new software application, Dante Via™ at InfoComm 2014.    

Dante Via transforms Macs and PCs into networked I/O devices.  With Dante Via, you can now build a complete, standalone audio system of networked PCs without the need for any dedicated Dante-enabled hardware to be present on the network. Any computer instantly becomes a networked audio I/O device. 

Dante Via expands AV horizons, freeing one from the limiting constraints of short reach point-to-point analog and USB cables. Dante Via allows you to create a flexible audio bridge for your computer to connect with legacy USB, FireWire and Thunderbolt audio interfaces and transform them into networked devices.  Without the need for additional hardware, Dante Via transmits and receives professional quality audio via your Ethernet port to and from such endpoints, opening up endless new possibilities. 

“Audinate’s mission is to revolutionize the way AV systems are connected to allow people to thrive in a networked world”, stated Lee Ellison, CEO of Audinate. ”Dante Via is another example of  Audinate pioneering innovation, driving the convergence of audio with an IT world. Dante Via naturally complements the vast ecosystem of Dante-enabled products developed by our 150 OEMs.”   

With Dante Via you can easily distribute or loopback audio via the network from any application such as Cubase, Pro Tools, Nuendo, Logic, Reaper or even Skype. 

“Dante Via opens up endless imaginative use cases,” said Gary Southwell, Audinate’s Vice President of Product Management. “Audio from USB microphones, or any audio interface, can be routed to other rooms in the building. Dante Via extends networked audio from facilities like classrooms, houses of worship, conference rooms, to overflow rooms. You can even monitor individual streams from the network for music instruction and audio system setup applications.”

See video and product details on the Dante Via page