Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Wins Breakthrough Technology of the Year at InAVation Awards 2011
AV Industry Embraces Open Standard AVB at ISE
AMSTERDAM, NL, February 7, 2011 – Audio Video Bridging (AVB) has been recognized with an InAVation Award as the “Breakthrough Technology of the Year.” Held annually at the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) show, the InAVation Awards acknowledge the year’s most notable technologies and integration projects, as voted by the public and a panel of judges.
“We are honored the industry recognizes open standard connectivity as the path towards interoperability, ease of integration, and growth of the AV community at large,” states Lee Minich, AVnu Alliance Marketing Work Group chairman and president of Lab X Technologies. “There is tremendous momentum behind AVB as seen by continued membership growth in the AVnu Alliance.”
AV Industry Embraces Open Standard AVB at ISE
AMSTERDAM, NL, February 7, 2011 – Audio Video Bridging (AVB) has been recognized with an InAVation Award as the “Breakthrough Technology of the Year.” Held annually at the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) show, the InAVation Awards acknowledge the year’s most notable technologies and integration projects, as voted by the public and a panel of judges.
“We are honored the industry recognizes open standard connectivity as the path towards interoperability, ease of integration, and growth of the AV community at large,” states Lee Minich, AVnu Alliance Marketing Work Group chairman and president of Lab X Technologies. “There is tremendous momentum behind AVB as seen by continued membership growth in the AVnu Alliance.”
About AVnu Alliance
AVnu Alliance is an industry forum dedicated to the advancement of professional-quality audio video by promoting the adoption of the IEEE 802.1 Audio Video Bridging (AVB) standards over various networking link-layers. The organization creates compliance test procedures and processes that ensure AVB interoperability of networked A/V devices, helping to provide the highest quality streaming A/V experience. The Alliance promotes awareness of the benefits of AVB technologies and intends to collaborate with other organizations and entities to make use of this work in their respective efforts to provide a better end-user A/V experience.
The Alliance is focused on applications of these technologies in the automotive, consumer electronics, and professional A/V markets. More information can be found on the AVnu Alliance website at
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